Monday, October 13, 2008

I've bought a new alarm..

Hey! I'm pretty sure that no one knows the existence of this brand new alarm. And it happened that i was the first one to purchase it. First one in the whole world. The alarm is named AWKWARD ALARM.

Basically, it functions to sense any awkward moment that's happening around 5 miles radius.. That's far! Once it's bought, it's automatically activated. So, my advice try to avoid any awkward moment between u and the salesperson as it might trigger the alarm.

The alarm is so sensitive and it's even capable to sense the awkwardness between my friend and I over the phone.

The goodness of owning one is that, when the alarm beeps, u got a time to escape from that moment and save urself. Otherwise, u'd definitely embarrass urself as the alarm wailing on and on.

These are the moments when u need this alarm:
  1. You are having lunch with ur lecturers
  2. You are talking to ur ex's bf/ gf
  3. You are in the toilet with ur lecturers
  4. You are in the elevator with a half-stranger-and-half-friend

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