Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dentist... Bleeding and intolerable pain..

9.30 a.m
Some Hospital

Awie was spotted queuing in his self amused tie, uncombed hair..holding a piece of paper and a small chocolate-bar-shaped card in his hand. He was definitely not on any teaching on that day. He had hours of ward works.. and he had none errand to run. He was definitely up to something.

Later, he was seen approaching the counter. He started to blush.. from far, it was obvious, let alone the entertained kakak at the counter to notice

"I haf an appointment. for my teeth" He blurted. Not to smile of cos since nurses tend to stare at ur problematic part once u mention it. So lips seemed inseparable. It was his first dental appointment since he had his last milk tooth extracted.

The whole registration process plus the waiting duration cost him an hour. He then,Took a chair and amused himself with a book. Continue reading till his name shouted!

Off he went, meeting the dentist! The followings are the dialogs used to express themselves (dentist and awie.. and an understudy, student)

Dentist (A pretty one):
"So, how may i help u Mr. grrrrr (checking awie's name) Hairuddin?"

Owh.. wanna do some scaling, if possible"

"what exacctly ur problem is?

Confident and looked ready for any barrage
"I have bleeding gums. And it's even spontaneous, let alone touching it with toothbrush"

"it has been there for 2 months"

Looking for Dental student with pure intention to teach.
"Student, do clerk this patient first"

.....difficult to look for words first. then came out with "Do u have any medical problems? On any drugs? When it happened? (once in a while awie nodded and shook head his head to respond)

*Awie has done thousands of clerking these past years and never actually tasted the feeling of being bombarded with questions. So, he was hoping to be barraged more and more by the student. Hahahaha

Few minutes later, awie was observed to have his mouth wide opened and the Dentist and a nurse worked in it. Embarrassed by the process wholly, he closed his eyes, not wanting to feel it ...the real embarrassment.

But prior to that, he was informed that Dentists were glad to hear that awie did his toothbrushing trice daily. But...but... THE SKILLS WERE IMPROPER AND THE TECHNIQUE OBVIOUSLY NOT ACCORDANCE TO THE STANDARD.
he was also shown multiple calcified stony scales that he treasured in his teeth. Owh Malu malu malu...

"Kindly inform me if u feel an intense pain" The dentist uttered before vibrating rod and a gush of water swirling in his mouth.
How much pain did she mean? He mean, he is not a pain-philic himself. No one is, he bet! Then, he strongly resisted himself from swallowing during the procedure even he could feel the whole water started to submerge his throat (A real exaggeration). It was snarky situation in there.

few minutes later, he found himself rinsing his mouth with clear water. Blood came out so scarlet. He was so glad that the process had finished and he finally can exclaim yay for having such courage. No more scales. Thank to the dentist and the nurse.

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