Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My friends are building up their BlogS!

*The picture is just a decoration. To avoid dullness on my posting!

Don't be so prejudiced abt being a blogger. Not all bloggers love their materials to be read. They don't write to smugly show that they've got talent in any field! Its just that, they want to write. Let them be!

I recently added 3 or 4 of my newly-become-blogger friends! cayalah Guys! I have been forcing few others to follow the trail. But maybe too soon to expect their acceptance.

By the way, some of my friends have an inclination towards politics. he mostly writes on the tide of political issue nowadays. Some other is loving to write abt his life.. And, speaking of my blog..i write every aspect in life. Anything that strikes my mind is going to be a big issue to me...

So..do me a favor! Be a blogger!lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

do you a favor?being a blogger?lol..that's the easiest favor you ever asked ne?