Friday, May 23, 2008

Dengue Fever killed me!

When i am saying..."Dengu fever had killed me.." Please don't take it literally (hopefully i won't be contracting this illness). It has actually sumting to do with my exam a while ago.

My first case was brilliant since we had a session and a thorough discussion about this patient a few days back prior to the exam. But the second case was dreadful. I have been imagining myself getting Dengue cases in exam and my imaginations happened to triumph this time.

When i saw the patient, i immediately got the idea that she was having Dengue fever. Felt relieved...but it was temporary. I had to answer all those things about dengue...from the clinical manifestations to the biochemical level.

The horrible part was when i could not answer the last question which i believed would have impressed the examiners if i did. I have to differentiate between haemorrhage in dengu and dengue haemorrhagic fever. I know it sounds silly for not knowing this basic thing..but u gotta believe, it was making me speechless..

Not exactly speechless, i did answer but i was giving crap and bullshitting. Hoping that my guesses would hit the rite spot... but i didn't.

But the whole process was okay...

Owh yeah..i remember yesterday when i sat for the theory paper. The MCQs were pretty okay but the MEQ was dreadful. Acute gastroenteritis did spook me when we were needed to calculate for the fluid replacement... How am i going to know that if i was so indulging myself in so called 'difficult' stuff!!! And obviously it is not as important as AGE.

However, the whole could-not-answer-the-question thing was totally my fault rite? Anyway, Year far had passed. Here we go..FINAL YER!!!!

p.s i would to thank the Lecturers, friends and of cos the patients!!!!

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