Friday, May 23, 2008

I am about to go for my Short cases

This is the time wen i usually get butterfly in my stomach. I dont feel ease. By the way, nothing to make me feel so!
Wut spooks me the most is the fact that i am going to face small kids to be examined. They are absolutely gorgeous and cute, not cranky or creepy. But their mood is damn unpredictable.

In a minute, they can be so nice and cooperative. But soon (without any warning) they can just wish to kick u out from their sides. Wailing.... moaning...OMG, that really makes me sick...i am afraid of those threats!

So these are things that ought to be done:
1. Bring toys
2. Relax
3. Breath in and out (if u have forgotten how to breath, re-learn)
4. confident
5. SMILE man!

wut scares me is the fact that im so vulnerable to get a patient for a developmental assessment. I am so hating that! Not that i don't like kids progression to be an adult but its so difficult to remember the way they grow. It's so faaaasssssttttt....

by the way, kids should not be blamed for all these... All those intimidations that come are all from me. I am the one who think about it. I am the one who did not do my homework. So, go kids..go awie!!!

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