Sunday, January 15, 2012

Proper 'Thank You'

I dunno what has gotten in to me today, but one thing for sure, It was a good thing. I opened my laptop today, soon after finishing everything in the ward, I started to write an email to my lecturer. I was a Thank You email!

It had been more than 2 years since I last saw and met my lecturers in Medical Faculty, UiTM. My email was actually meant to say and Thank You and to update her on my and my friends' progress so far. Are we doing good so far? Are coping well? Are we good doctors?

I just wanted to let her know that, whatever they did in Medical School was not fruitless. I am so sure that my friends are doing just fine everywhere. So, a proper Thank You letter (Email, in my case) was really necessary.

my batch

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