Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Out of serious boredom

There is something people should know when they decide to stay in Kemaman. This place is practically surrounded by nice beaches. But, warn you, those beaces aren't really safe, as they have this sudden slope!

When I said, Kemaman is surrounded by beaches, Kuantan beaches are also included. So, one of the weekends, out of boredom, Ihab and I resorted to Teluk Chempedak Beaches after exhausted looking for place to hang out at.

Well, TELUK CHEMPEDAK rocks!!!

I din't come to this beach to talk. So, after few seconds, hang up!

We stopped by at a restaurant, where the waiter kept saying "Makanan ni xde hari ni, minuman ni xde hari ni"

So, i surrendered when the waiter kept telling me the drink that I ordered was not available. Milo it is!

Someone had better taste

I am not sure what was that guy doing?

Nice waves, arent they?

Enjoying the breeze, I assume.

One of the villas. No comment

Someone is enjoying the bubbles
Don't blame me.
Awesome view

One of my fav views

P/S. My camera was infested by fungi back then. Those black dots translated on the pictures were the effect. Sigh...

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