My blog used to b known as "Si Kerdil Bercerita Non-stop". There is nothing wrong with the name. Nothing wrong with 'Si Kerdil' coz my size totally falls into that 'Kerdil' category. I should be proud, shouldn't I folk?!
And there is nothing wrong with 'Bercerita Non-Stop' coz am obviously doing that, am I not. Posting entry after another...
But I just think, its time to get a bit matured. So, out of all, i chose Hairuddinizing Myself. Well, its so timely since i think, most of my not-so-close friends do not know that my real name is Hairuddin. To me, HAIRUDDIN sounds like a nice, calm, book-type kinda guy whereas Awie Sounds more like a player. (No offense)
So, New spirit, New Name people!
lagi best
sikerdil bercerita non stop...^^
setuju dgn udin..
Lagi best Aniza & Ihab.. Miehehe
Lagi best Aniza & Ihab.. Miehehe
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