Saturday, August 2, 2008

PseudoKnowledgeable is not accepted!

I riffled through few blogs tonite. I read their contents and contemplated! Gosh, i am so outdated... My issues, my words, my thoughts.. They are all unacceptably obsolete. I know, thats what i call PSEUDOKNOWLEDGEABLE. Someone who looks/ sounds intelligent externally, but deep inside his brain lies nothing!

So, those blogs i ran through were impressive and stunning. I have no clue how they do it, how they find amazing words to make reader's jaw drops, how do they look for cool issues to be addressed.

I envy 'em. That's the fact, and envy is harmful if we use it in negative way, so i rather turn my jealousy to become something fruitful. I, hereby declare that i want to read more more more *1000x repetition.

And, beside those evoking-admiration works.... I also stumbled across pretty awesome blogs that made me do a rethinking... What else to be added next? Wait and see!

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