Sunday, January 8, 2012

English and its usage?

It always has been a bickering topic for everyone. Should we emphasize English? Should we make it compulsory for our children to master English in order for them to pass the exam? The answer, is glaringly 'YES'. No one should come forward and say otherwise.

The only question that should be taken into account is, 'Are those children ready?' It's extremely easy for those who grew up chatting and writing in English. We are not talking about them. But, how about those children, who spending his/ her entire childhood using their own dialect to communicate. And to be one of them, I would say, it damn Hard.

My personal experience.
My parents don't speak English at home. We talk in our own dialect, which I assume, my friends could not understand, especially those from peninsular. My parents never instilled the English spirit, so called, in me. Which, I never blame them, because in those old times, English was something you could survive without.

But today, English is medium for everything i.e Education, entertainment, social, business etc etc. In other word, English is synonymous to IMPORTANT! So, what we should teach these kids is, Love English. It's not merely a subject to pass, but instead its an important medium of conversation. Make them imagining, talking to their favourite football star (for example) without the hassle of having someone as a translator.

I have this thick book, which I used to jot down all the new vocabularies that I stumbled upon, or heard someone's using them. I took one hour to memorize those words and tried to use them in my writing or daily conversation. Trust me, it was not an easy process. I am still learning, and always will.

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